Five characters face police probe as massive secret revealed in Emmerdale


SECRETS never stay hidden for very long in the Dales and a police probe could prove it again in future scenes.

Five Emmerdale residents are questioned and one of them is determined to stick to the harsh truth.

A massive secret could finally come out in the open

Kyle Winchester was saved from justice when his father Cain took the fall for Al’s death

But police are on to him

Weeks have gone by since Al Chapman was murdered and Cain Dingle decided to take the fall for his death.

Meanwhile, in the village, Amy Wyatt (played by Natalie Ann Jamieson) and Moira Dingle (Natalie J. Robb) agreed to keep the truth a secret along with another few residents.

As ITV viewers know, Cain’s son Kyle Winchester (Huey Quinn) is the real culprit.

Will he ever be brought to justice? The possibility is definitely on the table.

Coming up, Amy is concerned when a police officer approaches her.

Moira is also confronted by the authorities at Butler’s Farm, much like her brother Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) at Jacob’s Fold.

All of them are asked to head to the police station for questioning.

While in the interview room, Moira sticks to her story as DS Malik questions her about her trip with Kyle.

Mackenzie is just as tight-lipped about the young boy but a panicked Amy struggles to stick to the line during her own interview.

Moira’s son Matty Barton (Ash Palmisciano) is rattled when DS Malik reminds him of the serious consequences of perverting the course of justice.

Do the police know Cain is actually innocent?

In later scenes, Matty, Moira, Amy and Mackenzie gather around for a crisis meeting at Butler’s Farm.

They soon realise how high the stakes really are…

To make matters worse, Moira grows increasingly worried about Caleb Milligan (Will Ash) and his involvement in Kyle’s case.

But when she and Amy question his methods, Caleb is defensive, well aware of how dire the situation is.

DS Malik soon approaches Kyle himself and the anxious lad is brought in for questioning.

At the police station, hell begins to break loose as Kyle reaffirms he is the one who killed Al.

Will the police believe him?

Will his family get into trouble for lying to the police?

All that and more on ITV.

Multiple residents are called in for questioning

Has time run out for Kyle?
Did you miss our previous article…