Best The Sims 4 cheats – how to get infinite money, make ‘instant lovers’ and bring Sims back from the dead


IF you’re self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic, now might be a good time to join the virtual world of The Sims 4.

Fancy eternal life and an infinite amount of money? Check out some of the best Sims 4 cheats below.        

The Sims has all different kinds of cheat codes

How to use Sims 4 cheat codes

If you want to apply any standard Sims 4 cheat code you’ll need to learn the following pattern.

Hold Ctrl + Shift + C while you’re in the game and you’ll open the cheat console.

Then you just need to type the cheat code of your choice into the text field that should now be open.

Some cheats require a “shift and click” approach and for these you’ll need to type “testingCheats [true/false]“.

You could make your Sim happier and richer

Shift + Click Sims 4 cheats

The following cheats all require you to type “testingCheats [true/false]” once you’ve opened up the cheat text field with the steps above.

Then you just need to press the Shift key and click on the Sim or object you want to do the following things to:

  • Teleport Sim: Shift+Click on the ground to teleport a Sim to your chosen area
  • Make Dirty/Clean: Once you’ve typed this you can then click on an object to make it dirty or clean again
  • Make head: You can use this phrase to place an object on top of your Sim
  • Add to Family: Add in a Sim not currently in your family with this phrase
  • Reset Object: Reset the status of a Sim or object
  • Modify in CAS: This lets you modify a Sim but will not change their name or traits
  • Cheat Need > Enable/Disable Need Decay: This can stop a Sim from having a Need change
  • Cheat Need > Make Happy: With this you can make your Sim happy and feel fulfilled 

Sims 4 money cheats

These cheats are probably the most important if you want your Sims to have all the material things they desire. Follow the initial cheat steps and then type in whichever of the following words you fancy:

  • motherlode: gets you 50,000 simoleons
  • household.autopay_bills [true/false]: this turns the bills off and can also turn them on
  • FreeRealEstate [on/off]: Make lots free or not when you type this in on the world or neighbourhood view
  • kaching: gets you 1,000 simoleons
  • rosebud: gets you 1,000 simoleons
  • Money [#]: This allows you to make your household simoleons an exact number

Make your Sims super talented

If you wanted your Sim to be very logical you’d need to type “stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10.” Sim skill levels max out at 10 but if you want them to not completely have the skill type a lower number. The same applies to lots of other skills, you just need to substitute the word “Logic” for the following:

  • HomestyleCooking 
  • GourmetCooking
  • Bartending  
  • Charisma 
  • Comedy 
  • Fishing 
  • Fitness 
  • Gardening
  • Guitar  
  • Piano 
  • Violin 
  • Handiness
  • Mischief  
  • Painting 
  • Photography 
  • Programming 
  • RocketScience 
  • VideoGaming 
  • Writing 

If you want to apply this to a child Sim then you need to substitute with “Skill_Child_[Creativity/Mental/Motor/Social]“. This will max all those things out to 10.

Kill and bring back to life Sims and pets

We all seem to know someone whose killed a Sim. Here’s what you need to type to play god:

  • death.toggle [true/false]: This can save your Sims from death completely or kill them
  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID]: This will turn your pet into a ghost but you need to fill in the Pet ID first, to get this type in “sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PetFirstName] [PetLastName]” and fill in the appropriate sections

Friendship and romance Sims 4 cheats

  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others: This instantly introduces your Sim to their neighbours
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main: Amend the name sections here to make a Sim instantly 100% friends with your Sim
  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim: Makes a new Sim on the lot instantly friends with yours
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Romance_Main: Amend the name sections here to make a Sim instantly 100% romantic with your Sim, the number value can be changed if you want to turn love to hate

Dream career and house on Sims4

If you want to build somewhere you shouldn’t or buy secret objects then you’ll need these codes:

  • bb.showhiddenobjects: Typing this lets you buy hidden objects
  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: This lets you buy items locked by careers
  • modebb.moveobjects: This one lets you ignore the usual object placement rules
  • bb.enablefreebuild: With this you can build anywhere, even on lots that are locked
  • careers.add_career [career]: You need to substitute the last “career” with your career of choice
  • careers.promote [career]: Use this to promote a Sim
  • careers.remove [career]: Use this to remove a Sim’s job
  • careers.retire [career]: If you use this your Sim can quit and get a weekly pension

In other gaming news, you can check out your Xbox addiction over the past 10 years with the new ‘My Decade on Xbox’ tool.

The PlayStation 5 could be cheaper than the new Xbox when the pair of consoles hit shelves later this year.

And, we rounded up all the free Xbox and PS4 games you can download in April. Whats your favourite video game? Let us know in the comments…