Five Affordable Ways to Make Your Car Look Brand New



Get ready to give your car a makeover without breaking the bank. Follow these easy and budget-friendly cleaning tips from John Charnock, CEO of, to make your car shine like new.

Clean Up Your Interior

Start by emptying your car and removing any rubbish or clutter. Use a leaf blower to get rid of loose dirt. Then, thoroughly vacuum the entire interior, including compartments, boot, and seats. Pay extra attention to footwells and crevices, as they tend to collect more dirt.

Revive Your Seats

Tackle stains on fabric seats by spraying a carpet or upholstery cleaner. Let it sit according to the instructions, then rinse with a cloth and blot dry. For leather seats, use a mild soap or leather cleaner and work it in with a microfibre cloth. Rinse until the cleaner is removed, then buff with another microfibre cloth.

Make Your Windows Sparkle

Prevent streaks on your windows by using a budget glass cleaner and a microfibre cloth. Clean both the inside and outside of the windows and windscreen. Follow up by buffing with a water-soaked microfibre cloth. For a shinier finish, use a microfibre cloth on surfaces like the dashboard and centre console.

Give Your Car a Good Wash

Mix warm water with car shampoo and work from top to bottom using a sponge. Pay attention to areas like hinges and number plates, and use a soft brush to rub shampoo foam before rinsing off. For wheels, use washing-up liquid and hot water with a soft sponge. Use a wheel brush for stubborn dirt and hard-to-reach areas in the alloys.

Apply a Wax Finish

Once your car is completely dry, apply wax in small sections and thin layers to the paintwork. Work in circular motions. Wait 20 minutes before buffing it dry with a microfibre cloth. The wax polish will bring out the color and shine of your car.

Remember that all prices mentioned are correct at the time of publication and are subject to availability.


Follow these affordable cleaning tips to transform your car into a sparkling and fresh-looking ride. With a little effort, you can make your car look and feel brand new without spending a fortune.

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