From a loud cat to an aggressive dog – your pet queries answered


What do you do with a noisy kitty?

Sean, the head vet at tailored pet food firm, is here to help answer your questions about your pets. Whether they're acting funny, under the weather, or you just want to know about nutrition or exercise, he's got you covered. "I can help keep pets happy and healthy," says Sean.

Q: MY kitten Teddy keeps scratch­ing my ankles. How can I make him stop?

Vikki Lord, Maidstone, Kent

Sean says: This is a common issue with playful kittens. They learn by mimicking natural behaviors like stalking and hunting. Here are three golden rules to prevent this behavior from becoming a problem:

  1. Don't react with anger or punishment, as it teaches Teddy to retaliate in conflict situations.
  2. Avoid squealing, dragging him around, or keeping your ankles in reach. You don't want to reinforce the game as entertaining.
  3. Redirect the game to toys that aren't your feet, hands, or clothing. Use lure-type or fishing rod toys to get him to hunt and pounce.

That way, Teddy will learn that you are boring and toys are fun.

Can my horse and dog catch Covid from me?

Nikki Smith, Hartley, Kent

Sean says: The evidence suggests that transmission of Covid-19 from humans to animals like dogs and horses is extremely rare, but it can happen during close contact. If you have Covid, it's best to delegate pet care to a family member or friend. There is no evidence of transmission from pets to humans, and if pets do catch it, their symptoms are usually mild and pass within a few days.

How can I stop my dog from being a bully?

Ben Carter, Guildford, Surrey

Sean says: In multi-dog households, it's not uncommon for adult female dogs to exhibit dog-on-dog aggression. To address this, it's important to identify the specific dynamics and triggers causing spats. It could be resource guarding or over access to you. I recommend getting a qualified canine behaviorist to observe these dynamics and come up with solutions.

Why does my cat meow loudly?

Jacqui Edwards, Cleethorpes, Lincs

Sean says: If Tom is elderly, it could be due to senility, old age cognitive changes, or hormonal disorders. However, it may also be nothing to worry about. Consider taking Tom for a physical check-up at the vets to ensure everything is okay and for your peace of mind.

Star of the week

PIPER the Golden Retriever is a therapy dog who brings joy to care home residents. Piper, along with her owner Fiona Beattie, visits care homes as a Therapy Dogs Nationwide pooch in Kent and South-East London. Fiona says Piper has a special bond with one lady who hardly ever speaks, but on their first visit, she became emotional and said, "What a lovely dog." They share an amazing connection.

Halloween just as scary for pets

Pet owners have been urged to prepare for Halloween as it can be stressful for furry friends. Dog owners should play calming music to drown out knocks, while cats should be kept inside with a quiet space to feel calm. Mark Scott of Bella & Duke recommends walking dogs earlier if the route is busy, creating a quiet corner with familiar scents and treats, playing soft rock or reggae music to reduce anxiety, keeping pumpkins with lit candles away from pets, and being cautious with sweets.