How to Keep Your Home Mould-Free: The Essential Guide


Preventing Mould and Condensation

With summer approaching, it's crucial to tackle the issue of mould in your home. Condensation on windows can lead to damp, which in turn can encourage harmful black mould to form. Inhaling or touching mould spores can trigger health problems like bronchitis and asthma. The warmer weather can actually help mould thrive, so it's important to take action now.

Recommended Temperature and Tips

Experts advise heating your home to between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius to prevent condensation. Consider using a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in the air, especially if you dry clothes indoors. Rooms prone to damp, like bathrooms, may need slightly higher temperatures. Opening windows, using extractor fans, and cleaning mould-prone areas regularly are also key steps to combat mould growth.

Additional Advice

If you spot condensation, wipe it down promptly. Check dark, damp areas for mould and remove it using a mould remover spray or white vinegar. Stay proactive in preventing condensation to avoid costly damage. Don't miss out on our tips for keeping condensation at bay and avoiding common mould mistakes.

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