Inside Coral as betting shops prepare to open next week with sneeze screens – but you can still sit and watch races



BOOKIES will reopen with sneeze screens between betting machines – but punters can still sit and watch races as long as you keep your distance from others. 

HOAR was given a sneak peek inside a Coral bookies in Tottenham Court Road, central London, on Monday where staff have been busy refitting the shop with social distancing gear. 

Sun man Isaac got a sneak peek at a Coral bookies ahead of its reopening

The bookies itself looks the same but with small tweaks, meaning the experience of being in a betting shop is different than before coronavirus

The biggest difference is sneeze screens being introduced between counters and gaming machines.

Punters can still sit normally and play at betting machines but the plastic screen barriers make it safer – and you get more privacy. 

GVC which owns Ladbrokes and Coral – have bought one million “stylus” pens for customers using betting stations and gaming machines to avoid customers actually touching the screens.

They can be used once and taken away for re-use – but they will be free. 

All 2,445 Ladbrokes and Coral shops in England will be reopening from June 15 – but it needs to wait for lockdown rules to change in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland before shops can reopen there. 

Depending on the size of the shop, the betting chain says there will be a slight reduction in the number of customers allowed in most of its stores so social distancing can properly take place.

Bottles of hand sanitiser will be found throughout the betting shops

Sneeze screens like this separate counters and gaming machines

There will be signs on the floor to remind them about social distancing.

When punters go up to the till to place their bets or collect their winnings there are dividing partitions between toll positions to act as a physical barrier between the customer and staff.

Betting slips still remain and the same. Customers will need to place bets earlier than ever as queues may take longer. 

They are encouraging contactless payments – but they will accept cash too. 

Staff will also have to choice of wearing gloves, masks and visors  if they want to.

There will also be supplies of hand sanitiser throughout the betting shops.

Punters are also being to keep social distancing measures when they celebrate a big win.

Signs remind punters to keep to social distancing rules
Isaac uses a stylus which helps avoid touching the screen

It comes as racing has restarted behind closed doors, while the Premier League is coming back on June 17 just days after shops are allowed to reopen. 

Simon Clare, PR director at Ladbrokes Coral told HOAR: “We are going to be fully open for business.

“It’s a great time to come back. We’re going to have Royal Ascot and the return of Premier League football. 

“So people can come in and have a flutter on racing, football and our machines as well. It’s very exciting. It’s a great time to return when we have that sport.

“I know people are really excited about those sports returning and we’re excited to be able to have them in to bet on them.

“Being in a betting shop is a very social event. It’s a great place for people to chat, have a laugh, have a good conversation and get on and enjoy their time.

“It’s a community environment and people come to meet up.

“None of that will change.  

“They’ll be the need for social distancing. But I think pretty used to that now with the unique situation we’ve found ourselves in at places like supermarkets.

“All our staff have been given training to make sure that happens.”

Mr Clare said he would urge customers to return and to enjoy a bet.

He said: “We are really looking forward to seeing our customers again.

“People will just need to keep a safe distance from each other.

“People tend to get excited and run up to the counter with a winning betting slip, so that’s where we’re urging social distancing and the divider is there at the counter.” 

During HOAR’s sneak peak I was able to get a feel of how it would work.

The plastic screens between gaming machines is a real bonus and gives reassurance.

Everyone will have to maintain social distancing – in the same way we have at supermarket or walking in the street.

The pens are also a good introduction and will get rid of the worry of thinking who had been there before.

And the hand sanitiser – now a common way of life – offers extra reassurance.

You can imagine the experience of placing bets – winning and losing – will remain the same but in the back of your mind the guidelines are there.

But they don’t feel forced. Every industry will have to adapt to Covid-19 restrictions and the betting industry has certainly put in place its measures.

During our time spent at the Coral betting shop in Tottenham Court Road numerous customers thought it was open for business.

Their gutted faces showed how disappointed they were but it’s certain come June 15 they’ll be back ready to place their bets.

The CEO of GVC, Kenny Alexander, said: “We are very pleased to be reopening our shops in England as the UK begins the first steps in returning to some form of normality.

“Ever since the lockdown was introduced, we have been working tirelessly on a plan which will deliver the safest possible environment for both our customers and our people.

“I am confident we have achieved that and look forward to welcoming our customers back in the near future.”

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