John Lewis Venus Flytrap Plush Toy Flops with Terrified Kids


Low Sales and Customer Complaints

Sales of John Lewis’s Venus flytrap plush toy, based on the store’s Christmas ad, have flopped due to terrifying children. Customers even complained when staff tried to give away the £18 cuddly plants. Angry employees have voiced their concerns on the firm’s forum, stating that children are scared of the green monster toy. Some branches reportedly have over 500 still in stock.

Disappointing Performance

The Snapper toys were inspired by John Lewis’s £5 million festive advert, where a boy named Alfie plants a seed that grows into a six-foot plant attempting to devour the family dog. Previous John Lewis ads, featuring Buster the Boxer dog and Edgar the Dragon, were accompanied by soft toys that quickly sold out. Despite ordering 15% more of the Venus flytrap toy than in 2019, when Edgar plushies sold out in just nine days, the latest toy failed to generate sufficient interest.

Failed Disposal Attempts

Staff attempted various schemes to dispose of the unsold toys, including giving them away to children and customers who spent over £50. However, these efforts proved unsuccessful. Employees expressed their disappointment with the toy and believed it was a mistake to produce it.

John Lewis Response

John Lewis defended the merchandise, stating that it was very popular. However, the low sales and negative feedback from customers and employees indicate otherwise.

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