New Hack Keeps Homes Warm and Saves Money on Heating Bills


A Clever Trick to Seal Windows and Keep Cold Air Out

A TikToker known as Focus on Energy outreach has shared a simple hack to stop cold drafts from entering homes during the winter months. By using a sheet of insulation film and double-sided tape, homeowners can seal their windows completely shut. The viral TikTok video provides a four-step guide to follow, starting with measuring the window frame and applying the tape. By implementing this foolproof plan, individuals can stay warm and potentially save money on their heating bills.

Grateful TikTok Users Thank the Influencer for the Helpful Trick

The TikTok video has garnered a positive response from viewers who were eager to express their gratitude. One commenter remarked, "I never thought to apply it from the top down!" while another simply said, "Love it!!" The hack has been widely appreciated for its usefulness in keeping homes warm and comfortable during the colder months.

Affordable Materials for the Hack

To implement this window-sealing hack, individuals will need double-sided tape and insulation film. The cost of double-sided tape is just £1.50 from Asda, while insulation film can be purchased for under £7 from stores like B&Q or Wickes. With such affordable materials, homeowners can easily improve the insulation of their windows without breaking the bank.

Additional Tips to Keep Your Home Warm

Kyle Mattison, also known as TikToker That Property Guy, has shared ten tips for keeping homes warm without spending a fortune. These tips range from simple fixes to DIY projects that can help individuals save money on their energy bills. Some of the suggestions include bleeding radiators, closing curtains, and keeping the oven open after cooking to allow warm air to circulate throughout the house. By implementing these tips, individuals can stay cozy and comfortable during the winter season.

Importance of Home Insulation

Experts at MyJobQuote emphasize the importance of home insulation in combating cold weather. While many assume that insulation is costly, there are smaller, budget-friendly ways to improve it. By taking steps to insulate their homes, individuals can create a warmer and more energy-efficient environment without spending thousands of pounds.

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