Revive and soothe tired winter feet with these affordable hacks


Winter weather can take a toll on our feet, but there's no need to break the bank on expensive creams and treatments. Here are four easy and cheap hacks to help revive tired winter feet:

Avocado pick-me-up

Avocado is packed with essential oils, vitamins, and minerals that can nourish dry feet. Try making a mask with mashed banana and avocado, applying it after soaking your feet in warm water. You can also moisturize your heels by rubbing the empty shells of an avocado over them.

Oil massage

Raid your kitchen cupboard for coconut oil or vegetable oil, which can be used as affordable alternatives to fancy foot creams. Massage the oil into clean, dry feet and wear socks overnight to prevent slipping. In the morning, simply wash off the oil in the shower.

Effective exfoliation

There's no need to splurge on expensive foot files and buffers. A pumice stone is a natural exfoliator that can be used daily to get rid of dry skin. Wet the stone and gently rub it over your feet in a circular motion, then rinse and dry it for future use.

Deals and offers

Don't forget to look for deals on foot care products. Superdrug, for example, offers a "buy two, get one free" deal on foot treatments. Take advantage of discounts on nourishing foot mask socks and fast-acting cracked heel balm.

Remember that prices and availability may vary. So, if you're looking to revive and soothe tired winter feet, give these affordable hacks a try!