Save Money on Energy Bills with This Simple Home Hack



As winter approaches, many Brits are bracing themselves for high energy bills. However, one woman has discovered a clever solution to keep costs down.

The Chimney Sheep: A Game-Changing Gizmo

Suzanne Elsworth, a resident of Cumbria, invested in a few "Chimney Sheep" to block her unused chimneys. These woollen gizmos have helped her save over £600 on energy bills over the past 10 years.

How It Works

An open chimney flue is a major source of heat loss in homes. By using a Chimney Sheep, warm air is trapped inside, reducing the need for excessive heating. Suzanne has found that her home is not only cozier but also more energy-efficient.

Affordable and Effective

The Chimney Sheep is made from breathable Herdwick wool and comes in different sizes to fit various chimneys. Prices start at just £18, making it a cost-effective solution for energy savings.

Other Ways to Save on Energy Bills

While blocking your chimney is a great first step, there are other areas in your home where heat may be escaping. Improving insulation and using simple tricks like adding draught excluders or using self-adhesive draught-proofing tape can make a significant difference.


By taking small steps to improve insulation and using innovative solutions like the Chimney Sheep, you can reduce energy bills and make your home more comfortable. Start saving money and stay warm this winter!