TikToker reveals dirt cheap painting hack using fake tan mitt – but there’s a catch


Internet sensation

A TikToker, House Reno, has taken the internet by storm with an unbelievable painting hack that won't break the bank.

Unconventional method

The trick involves using a fake tan mitt instead of a traditional paintbrush, resulting in a shiny finish that's hard to achieve with regular tools.

Proceed with caution

However, the TikToker warns that using the mitt without plastic gloves underneath could lead to a messy situation.

Community reactions

The video has garnered nearly 50,000 likes and sparked curiosity among viewers who flooded the comments section with questions and ideas to try the hack on various surfaces.

Clever savings

One user shared that the method might require touch-ups as it can chip easily but praised the money-saving aspect of the hack.

Cost-effective solution

For just £1.99, a tanning mitt can be a cost-effective alternative to the usual medium-sized paintbrush priced at £2.25, making it a budget-friendly option for DIY enthusiasts.

Family cleaning secrets

In other news, a mum-of-12 has revealed her go-to cleaning products, including a 99p essential for keeping the family toilets spotless.

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