Vulnerable Brits may be eligible for extra cash through the Flexible Support Fund


What is the Flexible Support Fund and what can it be used for?

The Flexible Support Fund (FSF) is a government-funded program designed to assist individuals facing financial hardships in their job search. Managed by local job centres, the FSF provides financial assistance for various costs associated with finding employment. This includes training for a job, travel to interviews, childcare, work tools, medical evidence required by disabled individuals, starting work clothing and uniforms, and financial support for single parents in their first 26 weeks of employment.

How much can I receive and is it repayable?

There is no set maximum amount for FSF awards, as each case is reviewed individually. Unlike an Advance Payment, the money received through FSF is a grant that does not need to be repaid. Applicants have the option to receive the funds either in cash or by direct transfer to their bank account. Within 14 days of receiving the funds, applicants must provide receipts for any goods and services bought using the grant.

Who is eligible to receive FSF?

FSF is available to anyone receiving assistance from a job centre. However, individuals already receiving support from programs such as the Work Programme, Work Choice, or other benefits that provide similar support are not eligible for FSF. Those on specific benefits, like Carer's Allowance, should check with the Jobcentre to determine eligibility.

How can I apply?

If you believe you may qualify for FSF, contact your local Jobcentre for further information. Please note that receiving FSF is not an automatic entitlement and is subject to the discretion of the adviser. Applicants must provide evidence of their inability to purchase the items themselves and specify how the funds will be utilized. Approval from a colleague may also be required.

Why haven't I heard about FSF before?

The government states that it is the responsibility of local job centres to promote the fund. However, concerns have been raised by various organizations, including the Social Security Advisory Committee, that not enough people are aware of FSF. In addition, the government does not have a dedicated webpage for FSF on its website, making it more difficult for individuals to access information. For more details, you can visit the Turn2Us website,, or contact your local job centre.

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