Woman Left Without Heating After Gas Meter Removed Over Debts Not Hers



A woman in Cardiff, Jenna Dowsdell, woke up to find bailiffs banging on her door and later discovered that they had removed her gas meter over a debt that wasn't even hers. She spent Christmas without heating and hot water as a result.

A Terrifying Experience

Jenna, who had recently moved into the house, described the bailiffs as looking like "thugs or burglars" and was terrified by their aggressive behavior. They left her shaking and fearing for her life.

Debt Chasing Horror

The debt in question, amounting to £1,167, belonged to the previous tenants of the property. Despite Jenna's attempts to prove that it wasn't her debt, she was left without heating and gas. She had to resort to a pay as you go meter, where a portion of her top-ups were used to pay off the debt.

A Nightmare of Confusion

Jenna faced further confusion when both gas companies, Swalec and British Gas, claimed to be the provider for her property. She spent countless hours trying to get help and even moved houses due to the stress. Despite her efforts, she has paid over £2,000 for gas and feels like no one is listening.

A Wider Issue

Jenna's experience is not unique. Debt advice charity StepChange has received numerous reports of bailiffs misrepresenting their powers and using aggressive tactics. Citizens Advice has estimated that more than two million people have been contacted by bailiffs during the cost of living crisis, with many feeling harassed or intimidated.

Know Your Rights

If faced with bailiffs at your door, it's important to know your rights. Ask for proof of their identity and why they're visiting. Legitimate bailiffs should carry identification issued by the court or enforcement agency. They can only force entry for certain types of debt and must show proof of what you owe.

Seeking Help

If you're worried about a debt, it's crucial to talk to the company you owe money to and seek assistance from organizations like Citizens Advice or StepChange. Remember that you are not alone and there are resources available to help you with rising debt.