Rishi Sunak Addresses Questions About Wife’s Wealth and US Green Card


Rishi Sunak's Response

Rishi Sunak recently stated that he "can't help who I fall in love with" when questioned about his wife's wealth and his US Green Card status.

Key Points from the Interview

The Prime Minister disclosed that he relinquished his American permanent resident status in 2021 and emphasized that his wife, Akshata Murthy, is a private citizen.

Highlights from the Discussion

During the interview, Rishi Sunak answered quickfire questions, invited Boris Johnson to rally Tory troops, vowed to quit Euro court if necessary to address the boat situation, and more.

Background on Akshata Murthy

Akshata Murthy, who owns a significant stake in the IT multinational firm Infosys, faced scrutiny for holding Non-Dom status and eventually offered to pay UK tax on her foreign earnings.

Denial of Conflict of Interest

Rishi Sunak denied any suggestions of a conflict of interest, stating that he cannot control who he falls in love with and expressing pride in his wife's family's accomplishments.