Single Mum Faces Hidden Tax Trap Making Work Unrealistic


Single Mum Struggles Under Hidden Tax Trap

Single mum Phoebe Evans expresses frustration at facing a hidden tax trap that makes it financially unfeasible for her to return to work. The mother of two fears losing a significant portion of her earnings due to the current benefits system.

Struggles of Single Parents

Phoebe Evans, a former community carer, highlights the challenges faced by single parents like her in balancing work and childcare responsibilities. She emphasizes the financial burden and limited incentives to return to work under the current benefits structure.

Government's Response and Policy Changes

The Government defends its reforms, stating that households are better off in full-time work than on benefits. It emphasizes the importance of making work financially rewarding and mentions investments in childcare and National Insurance cuts to support working families.

Conservatives' Efforts to Make Work Pay

Mel Stride, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, praises the Conservatives' efforts since 2010 to ensure that work pays for hardworking individuals. He highlights the recent National Insurance cut as a step towards rewarding work and boosting employment.

Lack of Plan from Labour

In contrast, the article criticizes Labour's lack of a clear plan for welfare and employment. It questions Labour's stance on benefit sanctions and suggests that their approach may lead to increased dependency on benefits and higher taxes.

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