EastEnders spoilers: Ravi Gulati’s sick plan revealed as Suki Panesar struggles to cope

EastEnders,10-10-2022,6570,Suki Kaur Panesar (BALVINDER SOPAL),****EMBARGOED TILL TUESDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2022***, BBC, Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron

SUKI Panesar has been mortified at the thought of being caught for Ranveer Gulati’s death.

Little does she know the late businessman’s son has a nasty surprise for her in EastEnders – the release of her murderous husband.

Suki Panesar is mortified to face her villainous husband

She’s already struggling with the guilt of Ranveer’s death

There’s a nasty surprise in store for her

The often cold and calculating Suki, played by Balvinder Sopal, has been going through a rough time in the BBC One soap.

But after finding out that Eve Unwin shares a connection with the businesswoman, Stacey Slater (portrayed by Lacey Turner) decides to make things worse for her.

Coming up, Stacey sets her wife up on a date and the pair end up bumping into Suki and Ravi Gulati (Aaron Thiara).

The owner of Stacey’s Baps soon makes it clear that Suki should stay away from Eve.

Sadly for Suki, Stacey is the least of her worries as Ravi will also be disturbing her peace by keeping a huge secret from her.

As mentioned above, Suki’s abusive and villainous husband could soon be released from prison – but she has no idea.

Instead, Ravi suggests to an agitated Suki that he should take the business meeting with Harpreet but she insists that she’s fine.

Later on, during the meeting, Harpreet asks about working with Ranveer, implying soon after that she must have had to sacrifice her morals to do business with him.

Overwhelmed, knowing what Ranveer put her through before being murdered, Suki bolts out of the door in a panic.

Eve then notices that Suki is in distress and sneaks away from her date to comfort her.

The former convict finds the right words to support and empower Suki, who makes her way back to Harpreet, who instantly wants to do business with her.

Harpreet goes a step further and suggests flying Suki over to Mumbai the following day.

In later scenes, Suki thanks Eve for all of her advice and they passionately kiss.

But as mentioned above, Suki isn’t prepared to face her estranged controlling husband – while her son Vinny visited him behind bars.

The lad is manipulated by Ravi to keep everything under wraps.

Will he really go along with it?

A forensics team have arrived and have begun their investigations at Whitehills Nature Park.

How will she react when she realises Ravi has been against her this entire time?

EastEnders airs from Monday to Thursday on BBC One.

Suki receives the support of Eve Unwin

But nothing can truly prepare her for Nish Panesar’s return