Does Steam Deck download in sleep mode?


STEAM Deck is the latest major handheld console on the market where you can play the games from your Steam library.

However, one of its biggest downsides is its battery life, leaving many to want to put it in sleep mode when possible.

One of the most popular portables on the market.

Sleep mode will help you conserve your battery, but there are a number of things you will not be able to do.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Steam Deck’s sleep mode.

Does Steam Deck download while sleeping?

There are three different ways you can help save your battery while you are not using your Steam Deck.

You can turn the screen off, put it in Sleep Mode, or turn it off entirely.

The Steam Deck is like a portable PC, and so it works the same as a PC does in these three modes.

This means that you can only download games when the console is on, and will not keep working in Sleep Mode or if the console is off.

If you want to save your battery while waiting for a game to download, then turn your screen off while the console is still running.

Does Steam Deck need to be on to download games?

Yes. The Steam Deck is more like a computer than a console like the PS5 which can download in Sleep Mode.

This means that it needs to be on in order to perform any actions.

Normal battery-saving measures can help if you are trying to download a particularly large game.

If you cannot keep your console plugged in, then turn off your screen, and extra functions such as Bluetooth.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.