How to Manage Your Child’s Fortnite Experience: A Guide to Parental Controls


Introduction: Fortnite's Popularity Among Children

FORTNITE attracts millions of players every month, including many children who enjoy gaming with others in a live battle arena and engaging in voice chat. However, not all parents may feel comfortable with this aspect of the game.

Exploring Different Game Modes in Fortnite

Before delving into parental controls, it's essential to note that Fortnite offers various game modes beyond the Battle Royale, such as LEGO Fortnite, Fortnite Festival, and Rocket Racing, catering to different interests and preferences.

Setting Up Parental Controls

To access Fortnite's Parental Controls, parents can log in to the Epic Games account associated with their child's profile. From there, they can set or modify over a dozen settings, including controls for voice chat, purchasing, friend requests, and playtime tracking reports.

Managing Communication with Other Players

Parents can manage who their child talks to in Fortnite by choosing from four options: Everybody, Friends and Teammates, Friends Only, or Off. It's crucial to review voice chat settings on the gaming console as well to ensure a safe gaming environment.