Why Ant and Dec’s Watches are Always Covered with Stickers on I’m A Celeb


The Mystery Unveiled

Have you ever wondered why Ant and Dec’s watches are always covered with stickers while they’re hosting I’m A Celebrity? Well, the secret is finally out.

Keeping the Contestants in the Dark

It turns out that the stickers are used to ensure that the contestants have no idea what time it is. I’m A Celebrity producers have confirmed that measures are taken to keep the celebrities completely unaware of the time while they’re in the jungle.

A Fan-Fueled Revelation

When a fan asked about the mysterious stickers on Ant and Dec’s watches on social media platform X, the show’s official account replied, “Ant & Dec’s watches are covered to stop the celebs finding out what time it is – they have no idea, as no clocks in camp.” Super fans of the show echoed this explanation, further solidifying the revelation.

Exceptions to the Rule

While the tactic of covering the watches is usually employed by the Geordie duo, there have been instances where their watches were visible. It seems that Ant and Dec only use the tactic when they are wearing short sleeves.

Confirmed by Former Hosts

Back in 2017, former I’m A Celebrity: Extra Camp hosts Joel Dommett and Scarlett Moffatt gave the same reason for the covered watches. They explained that it was to disorientate the campmates and make them lose track of time. The absence of clocks in the camp adds to the overall effect.

Another Feud Revealed

In other I’m A Celebrity news, a “feud” has come to light after Jamie Lynn Spears failed to follow two of her campmates on social media. Jamie’s departure from the jungle on medical grounds was discussed on ITV’s This Morning. Prior to her exit, she had experienced emotional moments but had managed to settle in after a rocky start. Her departure followed the exit of her co-star Grace Dent, who also left due to medical reasons.

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