Martin Lewis’ Simple Steps to Get Your Money Back from Rule-Breaking Landlords


Money-saving expert Martin Lewis shares tips on how to reclaim money from landlords

In a housing special, Martin Lewis discusses the rights of tenants against landlords and offers advice on how to get money back if rules have been broken. He interviews a renting expert and a tenant who received a substandard home that did not meet their contract.

Step 1: Check if Your Rental Property is Properly Licensed

Lewis advises renters in London to verify if their rented home has the proper license. This can be done on the website. If the landlord has not followed the rules, tenants may be entitled to thousands of pounds in back rent.

Step 2: Explore Benefits and Local Council Payments

For those struggling to pay rent, Lewis suggests checking for benefits or applying for local council payment options. This could potentially save renters thousands of pounds.

Expert Advice on Rent Increases and Deposit Protection

During the show, a viewer asked about a landlord raising rent by 71% and increasing the deposit. Nadeem Khan, operations manager at Shelter, explains that increasing the deposit during a tenancy agreement is illegal. However, rent can be increased if there is a rent review clause in the contract. Khan advises renters to appeal any rent increase notices to a tribunal if necessary.

Addressing Misleading Advertisements and Deposits

Another viewer asked if they could end a tenancy early without losing their deposit because the property was advertised as furnished but essential items were broken. Khan suggests that if a renter has been misled, they can unwind the agreement and advises doing so in writing. If this happens within the first month, the renter should receive a full refund. If the landlord refuses, going to court may be necessary, although negotiation should be attempted first. Khan also mentions that deposits are protected by the government and compensation can be claimed if necessary.

On the same show, Lewis also shares tips on how those coming off fixed mortgages can save thousands.

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