COP28 Climate Summit on Verge of Collapse as Draft Deal Fails to Address Phasing Out Fossil Fuels


The COP28 climate summit is teetering on the brink of failure as a draft deal released last night does not include any mention of phasing out fossil fuels. This omission has sparked outrage among the European Union (EU) and many developing nations, particularly those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

EU Representative Calls Draft Deal "Unacceptable"

The removal of the wording calling for a ban on fossil fuels in the document has been deemed "unacceptable" by an EU representative, who warned that the bloc may walk away from the ongoing talks in Dubai. Eamon Ryan, the EU negotiator and Ireland's environment minister, stated, "We cannot accept this text."

COP28 Failure Not the Desired Outcome

While expressing his disappointment, Eamon Ryan acknowledged that a complete failure of COP28 is not what the world needs at this critical juncture. The absence of a clear commitment to phasing out fossil fuels has raised concerns among environmental activists and experts.

Al Gore: Summit on the Verge of "Complete Failure"

Renowned climate activist and former US Vice President Al Gore took to Twitter to express his frustration, stating, "The world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible, but this obsequious draft reads as if OPEC dictated it word for word." Gore finds the draft deeply offensive to those who have been actively engaged in the climate change mitigation process.

As the COP28 climate summit hangs in the balance, the omission of fossil fuel phase-out measures remains a major point of contention. The world watches anxiously to see if a revised draft will address this crucial issue and salvage the summit's chances of success.

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