John Bolton Expresses Concern Over Trump’s Potential Victory in 2024 Election


Bolton Fears Trump Could Defeat Biden in Upcoming Presidential Race

Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton has expressed his concern that Donald Trump could defeat Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election. Despite his fears, Bolton stated that he would not be endorsing either candidate.

Trump the Favorite for Republican Nomination

Trump is currently the favorite to win the Republican Party's nomination, setting the stage for a potential rematch between him and Biden. Trump recently secured victory in the Republican caucus in Iowa and is expected to perform well in the New Hampshire primary.

Legal Challenges for Trump

However, he also faces multiple legal challenges, including indictments and charges related to hush money payments and mishandling classified documents.

Bolton Highlights Competitive Nature of the Race

Bolton, who has served under four Republican presidents, believes that there is a significant group of voters who dislike both candidates, making the race for the nomination highly competitive. He emphasized the uncertainty of the 2024 race, stating that predicting how voters in swing states will vote is challenging, given that there is no nationwide popular election.

Potential for a Volatile Electorate

Bolton's assessment is that the electorate is likely to be volatile, with a potential Trump victory. Despite concerns over his competency, Biden has declared his bid for a second term, and polls indicate that Americans do not desire a Biden-Trump rematch.

Declining Approval Ratings for Both Candidates

Bolton, who will not be supporting either candidate, highlighted the declining approval ratings of both Biden and Trump. Biden has faced criticism from Republicans on various issues, such as the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and inflation, while progressive voters and certain ethnic groups are also becoming less supportive.

Uncertain and Highly Contested Presidential Race

Overall, the 2024 presidential race appears uncertain and highly contested.

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