Home Politics Labour’s Plan to Give Unions More Power Raises Concerns of Increased Strikes

Labour’s Plan to Give Unions More Power Raises Concerns of Increased Strikes


Labour's Proposed Changes

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has promised to grant trade unions extensive new powers if his party wins the General Election. This move has sparked fears that Britain could face even more strikes in the coming year. Sir Keir plans to dismantle laws that currently restrict the influence of union chiefs within his first 100 days as Prime Minister.

Impact on Strikes

The introduction of sector collective bargaining would allow unions to negotiate pay and conditions for all employees in a particular industry. This could potentially lead to strikes across entire sectors, as well as large pay claims. Additionally, under Labour's plans, union leaders would be able to order strikes even if the majority of their members do not want to participate. Laws requiring a minimum service on strike days in schools, hospitals, and railways would also be abolished.

Concerns of Union Dominance

Critics argue that Labour's proposed changes will give unions excessive power, potentially bringing the country to a standstill. Some compare the potential consequences to the mass strikes of the 1970s, which caused chaos in the UK. Former Tory Party leader Lord Michael Howard warns that the country could be plunged back into those "dark days" if Labour wins the election.

Union Recruitment and Enforcement

Labour's plan also includes granting unions greater access to workplaces for recruitment and organization purposes. A new organization would be established to enforce the expanded powers of the unions, with extensive powers to inspect workplaces and bring prosecutions.

Response from Conservatives

Conservative Party representatives have criticized Labour's proposals, accusing the party of being too closely aligned with the unions. They argue that the Conservatives are taking action to address striking unions, while Labour's plans would take the country backward. Former Tory Party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith suggests that some unions are intentionally making it difficult for the current government in the hope that a Labour government would be more likely to meet their demands.

Labour's Union Donations

Unions continue to be major donors to the Labour Party, with nearly £22 million in donations accepted in the first three-quarters of 2023. Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner has a background as a Unison representative and has made a commitment to strengthen unions within the first 100 days of a Labour government.

Labour's Response

In response to criticism, a Labour spokesperson defended the party's plans, claiming that their New Deal for Working People would benefit both workers and businesses. They argue that the Conservative Party's attacks are unfounded, considering the significant number of strikes that have occurred under Conservative leadership. Labour's plan aims to improve workers' pay and rights, as well as address the cost of living crisis.

Overall, Labour's proposal to grant trade unions more power has raised concerns about the potential for increased strikes and the influence of union leaders. Critics worry that the country could be thrown back into a period of mass strikes, while Labour argues that their plan will benefit workers and the economy.

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