Nearly 18,000 UK Cops Hired Without In-Person Interviews, Raising Safety Concerns


Virtual Hiring Process Raises Alarming Red Flags

Nearly 18,000 police officers in England and Wales have been hired without a single in-person interview, sparking fears of potential dangers lurking within police forces.

Concerns of Another Wayne Couzens Situation

Following the shocking revelations, concerns have been raised about the possibility of individuals with criminal backgrounds slipping through the cracks, similar to cases like Wayne Couzens and David Carrick.

Virtual Assessment Process Extended Beyond Covid Restrictions

Despite the lifting of Covid restrictions, virtual assessment processes continued, with some forces carrying on hiring over Zoom until at least the summer of 2023.

Making Strides Towards Strengthening Vetting Processes

The government has emphasized the importance of face-to-face assessments in the hiring of police officers and highlighted ongoing efforts to improve vetting processes to ensure the integrity of the police force.

Remaining Challenges in Recruitment Practices

While most police forces have resumed in-person interviews, concerns persist as some forces, like Cumbria, continue to recruit through online-only processes.

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