Over 10,000 Children Missing from Council Records After Leaving State Education, Alarming Report Reveals


Thousands of Under-16s Lost in the System

More than 10,000 under-16s have disappeared from council records after exiting state education, according to a concerning report. These children have lost contact with authorities, raising worries about their well-being.

Call for Unique IDs to Track Pupils

Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza is urging for all pupils to have a unique ID to help officials keep track of their whereabouts. The report uncovered that 81,940 teens left state education in the academic year 2021/22, with many either moving abroad or switching to private schooling.

Concerns for Vulnerable Children

Around 13,000 of these children, particularly those with special needs or from disadvantaged backgrounds, transitioned to home education. Additionally, 3,000 children are suspected to be completely out of school, with 10,181 kids of school age missing without a trace.

Struggle for Councils to Provide Support

Dame Rachel expressed that councils are troubled about the missing children but lack the resources and authority to locate and assist them. She emphasized the urgent need to address the issue and prevent more children from slipping through the cracks.

Rising Concerns Post-Covid School Closures

The report also highlighted the growing worries around pupil absences following the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Dame Rachel noted a decline in children's mental well-being, with many feeling anxious about returning to in-person learning in school settings.

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