Scared MPs working from home will be a victory for anti-Semitic thugs and fast track to disintegration of our democracy


Reality bites

THE liberal Left’s cosy delusions finally smashed into the brick wall of reality ­yesterday . . . and blew up.

Faced with an extremist and Islamist horde outside Parliament threatening MPs, veteran Labour hand-wringer Harriet Harman seriously suggested that she and her colleagues should hide.

That our elected politicians should abandon Westminster to work, and vote, from home to avoid the anti-Semitic mobs bringing fear to our streets with near-impunity.

She wants, in effect, to hand these thugs total victory — a process begun by Keir Starmer’s reckless parlour games last week.

The Left — the opposition parties, civil service and broadcast media giants — and even some super-liberal Tories simply cannot handle what years of their naivety has wrought.

Being "inclusive" and tolerant even towards those who loathe Britain, Western values and Jews especially is the fast track to the disintegration of the liberal democracy we hold dear.

Yet even now, with that threat crystal clear, they put their fingers in their ears. They attack anyone daring to speak out. They throw up smokescreens . . . pretending, absurdly, that our only REAL problems are right-wing extremism and Tory "Islamophobia".

They obsess about Lee Anderson’s over-the-top remarks, even though he was swiftly sacked. Day after day the BBC and Sky led bulletins and websites with that — not the baying extremists openly backing Hamas terrorists.

An inconvenient report from the Home Affairs Committee, revealing that the hate marches have cost us a staggering £25million and are damaging policing, went all but ignored by the BBC.

A top cop said yesterday that the "fabric and processes of our democracy" are in peril and these mobs must be curbed. Dead right.

Chief constables must be ordered to sweep the jihadists off our streets. They have been allowed to terrify Jews, and non-Jews, far too long.

And our MPs must NOT cave in. It is unthinkable.

Badge bodge

SOMETHING is badly wrong at a council which would strip war hero Ben McBean of his disabled parking permit.

People can get a blue badge if they argue that their stress or anxiety impedes their movement. But not Ben, who lost an arm and a leg fighting for his country in Afghanistan.

Ben bravely regained reasonable mobility using his prosthetic leg. But it remains a feat of endurance to move anywhere near normally.

As he says: "Even when I can walk OK, it’s still worse than everyone else. I don’t understand how much more disabled I need to be."

The jobsworths who ruled against him should be ashamed. The council must reconsider.