Emmerdale Fans Speculate Shock Affair Twist for Lydia Dingle


Lydia's Ex Returns

Emmerdale fans are buzzing with speculation after Lydia Dingle's ex-boyfriend, Craig, made an unexpected appearance at her house. Viewers watched as the two characters reminisced about their past and bonded over the abuse they suffered in a children's home.

A Traumatic History

In a previous episode, Lydia revealed to Craig the reason for her disappearance and the heartbreaking story of baby Toby. The infant died at birth, and Lydia secretly buried him in the grounds of the children’s home. This emotional revelation has left fans wondering what will happen next.

A Job Opportunity

As Craig visited Lydia at Wishing Well, he revealed that he recently opened a new office in town and is in need of cleaning staff. He suggested that Lydia, with her expertise in cleaning, could be a valuable addition to his team. This proposal has led fans to believe that Lydia may consider the job offer – and potentially begin an affair with Craig.

Speculation and Reaction

Fans on social media platforms have already started discussing the possibility of a romantic connection between Lydia and Craig. Many viewers think there is something fishy about their reunion and are convinced that a secret affair is on the horizon.

One fan wrote: "Is Lydia and Craig starting something here?"
Another commented: "Hmmm, this is fishy."
And a third added: "Lydia is definitely going to be having an affair with him."

As fans eagerly await the next episode, the anticipation continues to build. Will Lydia take the job offer and become involved in a shocking affair with Craig? Only time will tell.