Rocky Cotton Faces Financial Woes and Danger Ahead in EastEnders


Harvey Monroe Warns Rocky of Impending Danger

Rocky Cotton finds himself in deep financial trouble in EastEnders, and things are only getting worse for him. His friend Harvey Monroe issues a stern warning about the danger that lies ahead for Rocky next week. But will Rocky heed the warning?

Rocky's Desperation Threatens to Overwhelm Him

Rocky's desperate need to pay back Nish Panesar may push him to make some risky choices. After settling his former wife Jo Cotton's blackmail demands, Rocky and Kathy have been struggling financially. Rocky's gambling addiction, sparked by his efforts to gather cash, has made matters even more complicated. Now, he's having trouble paying off loan shark Nish, who is just as ruthless in business as he is in his marriage to Suki.

A Shocking Twist: Rocky's Risky Plan

In an unexpected twist airing next week, Rocky comes up with a plan to find the money he needs to repay his loan. Nish wants him to steal a car from the car lot, but after a heart-to-heart with Jay Brown about life after a near-fatal car accident, Rocky decides against it. Realizing he's running out of time, Rocky confesses his debt to Kathy but gets one last idea after a conversation with Sonia Fowler.

The Café Fire Plan

Rocky confides in his friend Harvey Monroe about his new plan: setting fire to the café. He believes it will work because of existing electrical faults. Rocky intends to claim insurance money to finally get Nish off his back. However, Harvey is appalled by the idea and tries to convince Rocky otherwise, even threatening to tell Kathy. Rocky wavers on the plan but continues to contemplate it after Kathy receives an electric shock from a faulty plug.

Rocky's Downward Spiral Continues

Despite a brief winning streak at the bookies, Rocky loses all his money. Harvey initially offers to take out a loan to help Rocky pay off his debts, but after learning about his gambling, he withdraws the offer. Later, a fire breaks out in Kathy's café, and Harvey questions Rocky about his whereabouts, but Rocky remains tight-lipped. Could Harvey turn him into the police?

EastEnders: Airing Schedule

EastEnders airs from Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

Rocky's Financial Woes and Kathy's Business at Risk

Rocky's money troubles continue to escalate, and now he sets his sights on Kathy's café as a potential solution to his problems.

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