Fortnite Fans Excited for Lady Gaga Event in the Game


Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement as Lady Gaga hints at an upcoming event in the popular game. The pop star will be featured in the Rock Band mode known as Fortnite Festival, bringing her iconic songs and skins to the virtual realm.

Lady Gaga Takes the Stage in Fortnite Festival

As part of this collaboration, eight of Lady Gaga's hit songs will be added to the Jam Tracklist, allowing players to perform her discography with friends. The event kicks off with Fortnite Festival Season 2 starting on Thursday, February 22, 2024, and running until April 22, 2024.

Free Songs and Skins for Players

Players can expect to enjoy six Lady Gaga songs for free, including classics like "Born This Way" and "Just Dance." Additionally, a Chromatica stage inspired by Lady Gaga's 2022 tour will be featured in the game.

For those looking to enhance their gaming experience, a Premium Festival Pass can be purchased to unlock additional tracks like "Poker Face" and exclusive skins like the Enigmatic outfit.

Exclusive Lady Gaga-Themed Items

Players can also find Lady Gaga-themed items in the in-game shop, such as the Chromatica Armor outfit, bass and mic, and emote. The excitement is building as fans eagerly await the start of Fortnite Festival Season 2.

For more Fortnite updates and reviews, be sure to stay tuned to GLHF for all the latest news and insights.