Fortnite Players Beware: Payment Details Potentially Leaked in Massive Hack


Darknet Leak Reveals Alleged Theft of Nearly 200GB of Data from Epic Games

A ransomware group, known as The Mogelivich gang, has claimed to have breached the security of Fortnite creator Epic Games, resulting in the theft of a significant amount of data, including sensitive information.

Risk for Fortnite Players with Saved Payment Details

According to reports by Cyber Daily, the group boasts about obtaining a variety of data, such as email addresses, passwords, full names, payment details, source code, and more. This breach could potentially put Fortnite players who have saved payment information at risk.

Uncertainty Surrounding the Attack

Unlike previous ransomware incidents, Mogelivich gang has not provided concrete evidence to support their claims. Additionally, Epic Games has not yet responded to the allegations or taken any visible action in response to the hack.

Data for Sale with a Deadline

The group is offering to sell the stolen data and has set a deadline for potential buyers to submit their offers by March 4, 2024. The post includes a link for interested parties to contact the group via a secure email.

Potential Risks for Fortnite Players and Epic Games Store Users

If the claims made by the ransomware group are accurate, individuals who play Fortnite or utilize the Epic Games Store could be at risk of having their personal and financial information compromised.

Proceed with Caution

While the situation is concerning, it is essential to note that the validity of the hack has not been verified. Players and users are advised to stay informed and vigilant as more details unfold.

For more updates on Fortnite, be sure to keep an eye out for the latest Fortnite collaborations and news.

Article by Georgina Young for GLHF.

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