PS5 Owners Discover the Hidden Secret of the Mysterious Hole on DualSense Controller


PlayStation 5 owners have recently stumbled upon a hidden feature of the DualSense controller that has gone unnoticed for quite some time. Upon closer inspection, users have come to realize that there is a small and mysterious hole on the back of the controller, just to the right of the word Sony. As it turns out, this hole serves a very useful purpose that many have overlooked.

The Purpose of the Mysterious Hole

Contrary to popular belief, the hole on the DualSense controller is not a design flaw or an accidental omission. It is actually intended for resetting the controller, a feature similar to the SIM tray found on most smartphones, including the iPhone.

How to Reset Your PS5 DualSense Controller

To reset your DualSense controller, you will need a small tool or object that can fit into the hole. This can be anything from a SIM tray tool from your iPhone box to the end of a sewing needle or the back of an earring. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your PS5 completely.
  2. Locate the small hole on the back of your controller, to the right of the word Sony.
  3. Using your chosen tool, gently press and hold the button inside the hole for about three to five seconds.
  4. Once you've completed the reset, reconnect your controller to your PS5 using the USB cable that came with your console.
  5. Finally, press the PS button on your controller to reconnect it to your PS5.

This simple reset process can help resolve any issues you may be experiencing with your DualSense controller. Whether it's a malfunction or you simply want to prepare it for giving away or selling, resetting your controller can get it back in working order.

Why Reset Your DualSense Controller?

There are a few reasons why you may find it necessary to reset your DualSense controller. Firstly, it can quickly address any problems or glitches you may be facing with the controller's performance. Additionally, if you plan on gifting or selling your controller, a reset ensures that it is ready for its new owner. So, the next time you encounter any issues or are looking to pass on your DualSense controller, don't forget about the hidden secret behind that tiny hole.

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