Fred Sirieix’s Fiancee Proud of Him After Nigel Farage Clash in I’m A Celebrity


Exclusive Interview with Fruitcake Reveals Her Support for Fred Sirieix

Fred Sirieix’s fiancee, known as Fruitcake, has expressed her pride in the First Dates star following his clash with Nigel Farage on the reality show I’m A Celebrity. Fruitcake, who has been dating Fred since 2018, opened up about their relationship and shared details about a secret item Fred has brought with him into the ITV camp.

Fruitcake Praises Fred’s Adult Discussion with Nigel Farage

When asked about Fred’s clashes with Nigel Farage, Fruitcake told us that she was proud of how Fred handled the situation. She emphasized the importance of having respectful and adult conversations, even when there are differences in views. Fruitcake has been a strong supporter of Fred throughout his jungle stint.

Secret Item Revealed: Fred’s Speedo Shorts

Fruitcake let slip that Fred has stowed away three surprise secret items in the camp, and these happen to be a trio of skimpy Speedo shorts. She expressed her surprise that Fred hasn’t worn them yet, as he is known for living in his Speedos. One pair is even adorned with the French flag.

Fred’s History with Nigel Farage

It was previously reported that Fred had criticized Nigel Farage as a “coward” and a “liar” on social media after the Brexit vote. The subject naturally came up in camp, with Fred questioning Nigel about the benefits of Brexit. The conversation became heated, with Fred expressing his belief that Nigel’s actions had demonized migrants.

Despite their differences, Fred acknowledged that he and Nigel were bound to have this conversation in the jungle, as they both hold strong beliefs. Fruitcake supported Fred’s handling of the situation and assured us that he would not shy away from wearing his Speedos for any reason.

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