YouTube Star Nella Rose Overcomes Tragic Family Losses


Heartache Amidst Rising Fame

While Nella Rose is capturing the hearts of viewers on I’m A Celebrity, the YouTube sensation has had to endure devastating loss in recent years.

A Life Turned Upside Down

Nella Rose’s mother, Eseho Omolongo, and father, Kamango Paul Hollela, both passed away within a span of four years, leaving her world shattered.

Defying the Odds

Despite her hardships, Nella Rose has risen above her circumstances. As an immigrant who has experienced homelessness, family disownment, and body shaming, she recognizes the blessings that have come her way.

A Mother’s Heartbreak

In a candid YouTube video, Nella opened up about the sudden loss of her mother in 2019. She shared the heartbreaking moment when her mother passed away in her arms.

A Painful Journey

After losing her mother, Nella faced further challenges. She was forced to leave her council flat and sofa-surfed throughout her time at university. It wasn’t until later that she was able to secure her own place.

A Father’s Tribute

In another heartfelt social media post, Nella paid tribute to her father, who passed away in 2020. She expressed the pain of watching him suffer and vowed to make him proud in the years to come.

Rising Star

Despite her tragic losses, Nella Rose continues to shine on I’m A Celebrity, captivating audiences with her infectious personality.