Don’t Let Your Boiler Drive Up Your Energy Bill!



As winter approaches, millions of households are concerned about rising energy bills. However, some may be unknowingly causing their bills to skyrocket with a simple setting on their boilers. Here's what you need to know to avoid unnecessary expenses.

The Costly Mistake

Daniel Khanlarpour, a gas engineer with over 16 years of experience, has identified a common boiler mistake that could add up to £108 to your annual energy bill. The culprit? The pre-heat feature on your boiler. By disabling this function, you can save significant amounts of money without sacrificing comfort.

Understanding the Pre-Heat Feature

Many modern combi-boilers come equipped with a pre-heat feature. This keeps the boiler warm 24/7, ensuring hot water reaches your taps faster. However, this convenience comes at a cost. By disabling the pre-heat function, you may experience a slight delay in getting hot water, but the savings are worth it.

How to Disable the Pre-Heat Function

Each boiler is different, so it's essential to consult the manual before attempting to disable the pre-heat function. The last thing you want to do is accidentally disable another crucial feature. Once you understand the process, it's a simple adjustment that can make a significant difference to your energy bill.

Additional Tips to Save on Energy Bills

If you're looking to reduce your energy bills even further, Checkatrade has some home heat-proofing hacks to boost your home's heating efficiency. Draught proofing, bleeding radiators, increasing jacket thickness on hot water cylinders, and placing insulation foil behind radiators are just a few strategies to consider.


Don't let your boiler drive up your energy bill this winter. By disabling the pre-heat function and implementing other energy-saving tips, you can stay warm and comfortable without breaking the bank.

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