Exact time of day to open windows to prevent mould in winter


Minimizing condensation is key

Condensation is a leading cause of mould growth in homes. While mould plays a vital role in the earth's ecosystem, it can be dangerous and costly to remove when it invades our homes. The most important step in preventing mould is to minimize condensation, particularly around windows.

The dangers of mould

Mould produces allergens, irritants, and toxic substances that can cause harm when inhaled or come into contact with the skin. Consistent exposure to mould in the air can lead to respiratory problems, infections, allergies, and asthma. Additionally, mould can damage your home.

The ideal time to open windows

Petya Holevich, a domestic cleaning expert, advises opening windows during the warmest part of the day. This is typically the late morning or early afternoon when temperatures rise and humidity levels are relatively low. Ventilating your home during this time allows fresh air to circulate and removes moisture without the need for additional heating. Opening windows during the coldest parts of the day or night can increase heating costs.

Consider the wind direction

When opening windows, it's best to choose the side of the house facing the wind. This facilitates better airflow and helps in reducing condensation. It is not necessary to keep windows open for an extended period of time – between five and 15 minutes is sufficient.

Other tips to prevent condensation

In addition to opening windows, there are other steps you can take to minimize condensation in your home. Avoid drying wet clothes on radiators, as this increases moisture in the air. Use pan lids while cooking to reduce condensation. Keeping the inside of your home above 15°C helps prevent condensation from forming.

Removing mould

If you already have mould in your home, bleach can be an effective solution. Mix four parts water with one part bleach and apply it to the affected areas. Use a stiff brush to scrub the mould firmly. Rinse the treated areas thoroughly and allow them to dry completely before moving furniture or placing items in front of them.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to mould. By following these tips and ventilating your home at the right time, you can keep mould at bay and maintain a healthy living environment.
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