I tried own-brand coco pops against Kellogg’s – the surprising winner and how much you could save


Supermarket Showdown

When it comes to coco pops, Kellogg’s is a household name. But are own-brand versions just as good? We put seven own-brand coco pops to the test against Kellogg’s to see which one comes out on top.

The Kellogg's Contender

Kellogg’s might be the most well-known brand, but it comes with a hefty price tag. With an intense chocolatey flavor and a light, airy texture, it scored high on taste and texture. However, the high cost might make you think twice.

Unexpected Winner

Surprisingly, Lidl's own-brand coco pops stole the show. With a velvety smooth flavor and a malty taste, it impressed on all fronts. Plus, opting for Lidl over Kellogg's could save you a whopping £150 a year.

Runners Up and Surprising Results

Other contenders like M&S, Morrisons, and Aldi also held their own in the taste test. While some had lower sugar content and pleasant flavors, others fell short in terms of taste and texture.

Final Thoughts

Next time you're in the cereal aisle, don't dismiss own-brand coco pops. You might be surprised by the quality and the money you could save by making the switch.

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