Little-known energy supplier offers cheapest price guarantee to UK customers


Fuse Energy shakes up the market with three electricity tariffs cheaper than competitors

A new player in the energy market, Fuse Energy, is making waves by offering customers deals that ensure they pay the lowest prices available. Founded by former Revolut employees, this app-based energy supplier is introducing three electricity tariffs priced below Ofgem's energy price cap, potentially saving customers up to £56 per year on their energy bills.

Fuse's innovative promise: Fuse Protect

What sets Fuse Energy apart is its commitment to always offer the lowest prices. The company will not only beat the price cap but also lower unit rates and standing charges whenever a competing supplier tries to undercut them. This unique promise, called Fuse Protect, ensures that customers will always get the best deal available in the market.

Fixed energy deals designed to save you money

Fuse Energy is introducing fixed energy deals, including an Economy 7/10 option that provides cheaper rates during off-peak times. By locking in these rates, customers can budget more effectively and potentially save even more on their annual energy expenses.

Savings comparison: Fuse Energy vs. traditional suppliers

By comparing Fuse Energy's tariffs with those of traditional suppliers, customers can see significant savings. Even when combining Fuse's electricity tariffs with the best gas-only deal available, customers can still pay less than with a dual-fuel tariff from other providers.

Expert advice: Should you make the switch?

Consumer rights expert Martyn James advises customers to carefully review their current energy costs and compare them with the deals offered by Fuse Energy. With the potential for substantial savings, switching to Fuse's innovative tariffs could be a smart financial move for many households.

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