Save Money on Your Winter Heating Bills with Thermostatic Radiator Valves


An Easy Way to Lower Your Energy Bills

Heating your home this winter can be a worry, as energy bills remain high. If you’re looking for an easy way to save on your bills, you might want to think about thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs). These devices can work a treat if your central heating system doesn’t have a timer or form of control to manage the energy output to different rooms. At Screwfix, you can pick some up from just a tenner – and they are easy to fit yourself.

Using TRVs Correctly is Crucial

Once you’ve made the investment in TRVs, you need to ensure you are using them correctly. Poor understanding is part of the problem, according to home expert, Laura de Barra. She explains that the key to optimizing their effectiveness lies in understanding that TRVs are not about the temperature of the radiator, but crucially, about the temperature of the room. According to Laura, most people are using TRVs incorrectly, which costs them more money in the long run.

How to Use TRVs Properly

With settings ranging from ‘one’ to ‘five,’ TRVs continually monitor the room temperature. They then adjust the water flow through the radiator to maintain the selected temperature. In spaces you don’t want to heat, the ‘frost setting’ is useful. According to experts, using TRVs correctly could potentially half your bill. Laura advises that settings ‘one’ to ‘three’ – with temperatures ranging from around 10 to 20 degrees – are sufficient for most rooms. Settings ‘four’ and ‘five’ – around 25 to 30 degrees – are rarely necessary.

Other Tips to Lower Your Energy Costs

When it comes to your radiators, there are other small changes you can make to help keep a lid on energy costs. Laura suggests bleeding your radiators if they feel cold at the top but warm at the bottom. This can easily be done with a radiator key and a few towels or a bowl. Additionally, giving your radiators a clean can ensure heat is distributed more evenly around your home.

When it comes to heating your home efficiently, it’s not just your radiators you need to think about. Draughty windows can also pose a significant challenge. Laura recommends investing in thick curtains and closing them at night to keep heat within your home. Another clever hack is using shrink film to seal up tiny gaps in windows. Draught excluders with added weight can also help insulate your home and add a touch of whimsy to your space.

Lastly, consider investing in a lagging jacket for your hot water cylinder. This will help keep your water warmer for longer, saving you both energy and money in the long run.

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