Tesco shoppers rush to grab discounted air fryer that fits whole chicken


Bargain Alert: Tower air fryer on sale at Tesco for a steal

Tesco shoppers are flocking to grab an air fryer that can fit a whole chicken inside, priced at just £47 instead of the usual £119. One lucky customer in Royston, Cambridgeshire, shared her find online after spotting the yellow reduced sticker on the Tower gadget at her local store.

Shoppers rave about the Tower air fryer's features and energy efficiency

The Tower air fryer, equipped with five cooking methods and a rotisserie function, has garnered praise from customers who have already bought it. Not only does this air fryer offer healthier cooking options, but it also claims to use 50% less energy compared to traditional ovens.

Air fryers vs. Ovens: A cost-saving comparison

According to a recent discovery, running an air fryer can be more cost-effective than using an oven. With the price of electricity factored in, air fryers prove to be a cheaper option for cooking, especially for smaller meals during the week. The energy-efficient design of air fryers can help reduce electricity bills when used for regular meals.