Top 10 Phrases to Avoid on Your CV Revealed by Experts


Watch Your Words

A strong CV is crucial in the job hunt, but certain phrases can turn off potential employers. According to experts, words like "ambitious" and "people-person" can actually harm your chances of landing your dream job.

Red Flag Phrases

Experts warn against using phrases like "I was treated unfairly" or "I had to leave because…" on your CV. These can signal negativity and may deter employers.

Make Your CV Stand Out

To make your CV stand out, experts recommend staying focused on the type of role you want, being authentic, providing evidence of your skills, and using positive language. Avoiding common CV mistakes can significantly boost your chances of getting hired.

Stay Connected

Experts suggest keeping in touch with potential employers throughout the application process. Building a relationship with the hiring manager can help you stand out among a sea of applicants and increase your chances of getting noticed.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Experts advise against including a photo in your application, as it may lead to unconscious bias. Additionally, be cautious of using AI tools to build your CV, as they may not always impress HR teams or computer systems.

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