Dozens of Criminals Caught Stealing on Parole While Wearing GPS Ankle Tags


Dozens of criminals have been caught stealing while on parole, and their secret weapon? GPS ankle tags. These tech-savvy crooks have been charged with 58 unsolved thefts and burglaries since 2021, thanks to the built-in tracking device on their ankle tags.

Using GPS Technology to Catch Offenders

Police have been able to pinpoint these criminals at the scene of the crime, all thanks to the GPS tracking on their ankle tags. This innovative solution has led to many arrests and convictions, providing a powerful tool in the fight against crime.

Expanding the Use of GPS Tagging

Not only has GPS tagging helped catch these bonehead burglars, but it has also proven to be an effective deterrent for others. Government ministers are now looking to expand the use of GPS tagging, currently being piloted across 19 police forces, in order to free up space in overcrowded prisons.

A Real Sense of Justice

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk emphasized the importance of GPS tagging in cutting crime and reducing reoffending. By placing limits on offenders' liberty and imposing tough punishment, GPS tags provide a sense of justice that works as a deterrent against further criminal activity. This technology has the power to drive change across the country.

Success in Solving Crimes

Ministry of Justice data reveals that 700,000 neighborhood crimes mapped by police have no matches with GPS tag records. This highlights the effectiveness of this technology in solving crimes and bringing offenders to justice.

A Fresh Start and a New Direction

Andy, a serial burglar from Gwent, shared his experience of being placed on a GPS tag for 12 months. He described how the constant surveillance made him feel like he was being watched 24/7, deterring him from returning to a life of crime. Instead, he used this opportunity for a fresh start and is now running his own business on the straight and narrow.

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