Ex-Cabinet Minister Calls for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Resign


Sir Simon Clarke Urges Sunak to Quit

Former Cabinet Minister Sir Simon Clarke has publicly called for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to resign in the face of mounting criticism. The demand comes as the government's approval rating slumps to just 20% in recent polls.

Tories Fear Defeat

Sir Simon Clarke stated that it is "devastatingly obvious" that the Tories are on track for defeat in the next election. His call for leadership change comes after 60 MPs defied party whips last week to demand tougher migration policies.

A Drag on the Party

According to one leading organizer of the rebellion, Rishi Sunak is seen as a drag on the party's success. They argue that another Conservative leader could turn the tide against Sir Keir Starmer, who they also deem ineffective.

Fight for Change

The rebels argue that it is crucial to fight for change in order to have any chance of a respectable outing in the next election. They believe that Rishi Sunak cannot effectively communicate the message that the public wants to hear.

Undermining the Government

A senior Tory spokesman criticized Sir Simon Clarke's call for resignation, describing it as a self-indulgent attempt to undermine the government at a critical moment for the country. They argue that the only beneficiary of such actions is Sir Keir Starmer.