Sir Keir Starmer Vows to Build “New Generation” of Towns to Solve UK Housing Crisis


Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, has pledged to construct a "new generation" of towns similar to Milton Keynes in the 1960s in order to tackle Britain's housing crisis. In his conference speech, Sir Keir emphasized that failing to address the issue would result in home ownership becoming a "luxury for the few, not the privilege of the many." He stated that by creating good jobs, investing in infrastructure, and identifying suitable land for affordable housing, his party would build the next wave of Labour new towns.

Protecting Green Spaces and Building Beautiful Towns

Sir Keir also made it clear that his party would prioritize protecting green spaces and fighting for the environment. However, he criticized certain Members of Parliament who oppose new developments in their constituencies (known as NIMBY MPs) and proposed constructing beautiful Georgian-style towns in areas where space is available. He argued that some areas currently classified as green belt land, but are actually disused car parks or dreary wastelands within city boundaries, should not hinder progress.

Planning Reforms and Fast-Track Approval Systems

To accelerate the construction of affordable and rental homes, Sir Keir promised to implement a series of planning reforms. He also pledged to introduce fast-track approval systems for high-density housing projects on urban brownfield sites. These measures aim to streamline the process and make it more efficient.

Stage Invasion and Arrest

Prior to unveiling his housing plan, Sir Keir experienced a dramatic stage invasion, during which a yob activist showered him with glitter. Security quickly removed the individual, who was later arrested on suspicion of assault, breach of the peace, and causing public nuisance. Despite the disturbance, Sir Keir remained undeterred and continued with his speech, albeit without his jacket but with sparkly flecks adorning his white shirt.