The Sun’s 60-Second News Briefing: Iran’s Missile Blitz in Pakistan Sparks Regional Conflict Fears


The Sun's 60-Second News Briefing brings you the biggest stories of the day in a no-nonsense format. Today, our Defence Editor Jerome Starkey discusses Iran's surprise missile blitz in neighboring Pakistan, which has raised concerns about a potential regional conflict.

Iran's Strikes and Pakistan's Warning

Iran claims the strikes were targeted at separatists, but Pakistan is issuing a warning about "serious consequences."

Fears of a Full-Blown Regional Conflict

The clashes between Iran and Pakistan have sparked fears of a full-blown regional conflict. Jerome Starkey breaks down the situation and provides insights into the potential consequences.

Double Royal Health Shock

In addition to the Middle East turmoil, Jerome also discusses the double health shock in the royal family. Both Kate Middleton and King Charles are currently being treated for ailments.

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