UK Government Calls for “Appropriate Scepticism” in Treating Gender Questioning Pupils


Guidance on Transgender Issues for Schools Expected

Pupils who question their gender should be treated with "appropriate scepticism," according to UK ministers. The government is set to release guidance on transgender issues for schools tomorrow.

Putting Parents at the Heart of Decision-Making

Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden emphasized the importance of parental involvement in any decision made by a child regarding their gender. He stated that the upcoming guidance, which may be implemented by next summer, will provide clarity to parents and teachers.

Addressing Safety and Respecting Children

Dowden acknowledged the need to prioritize the safety of all children. While respecting those in a gender questioning situation, he called for an "appropriate scepticism" towards social transitioning. The guidance aims to inform parents and teachers on these issues and involve parents in decision-making processes.

Call for Timely Release of Guidance

Jonathan Gullis, a former education minister and teacher, emphasized the importance of teachers and parents having access to the guidance as soon as possible. He expressed concern that delays in its release may leave teachers vulnerable to cancel culture and extremist ideologies.