Prince William Leaves Diana Event Before Harry Makes Address


William Leaves Event Early

Prince William departed a London awards event before his brother, Prince Harry, made a videolink address from California, further highlighting their ongoing rift.

Brothers' Differing Locations

While William was in London delivering a speech celebrating young people's achievements, Harry was 5,000 miles away in California giving his address at the same event.

Royal Family Tensions

The estranged brothers have had limited communication since Harry's move to California, with public spats and hurt feelings on both sides, including a recent missed meeting following news of Prince Charles' cancer diagnosis.

William's Speech

During his speech at the event, Prince William focused on his mother's legacy and the importance of giving back, without mentioning his brother. He highlighted the impact of The Diana Award over the past 25 years.

Harry's Address

Prince Harry, in his address, praised Diana's commitment to truth and service to others, emphasizing the power of young people to make a difference in the world.

Inspirational Award Winners

The evening celebrated 20 winners from 13 countries, recognized for their courage, compassion, and commitment to creating positive change in their communities. The Legacy Award recipients included young leaders from various countries.

Legacy of The Diana Award

Both princes continue to support The Diana Award, established in honor of Princess Diana's belief in the impact of young people on the world. The charity's work was commended by William and praised by Harry in their respective speeches.

Tribute to Diana's Belief

William expressed how proud Princess Diana would have been of the young award winners and the work of The Diana Award, stating that the charity reflects her belief that young people can indeed change the world.

Overall, the event showcased the enduring legacy of Princess Diana and the ongoing commitment of her sons to honoring her memory through their work and support of young leaders globally.