Minecraft Fans Rally Against Mojang’s Mob Vote System


Players Demand Change

Minecraft fans are up in arms over the game's mob vote system, and they're taking action. A petition has been created calling for the dismantling of the system, which allows players to vote for the next set of creatures to be added to the game. Over 400,000 signatures have been collected so far.

Unhappy with the Options

The upcoming vote is between crabs, penguins, and armadillos, but players are expressing their dissatisfaction. Some argue that if all three mobs were developed by the Minecraft team, they should all be included in the game. The petition claims that the mob vote system tears the community apart and leaves out fantastic ideas.

Complaints of Slow Content Updates

In addition to their grievances with the mob vote system, players are also expressing frustration with the slowing down of content updates over the years. They want more from their favorite game and are demanding that their voices be heard.

Influence of Content Creators

One of the main concerns raised by fans is the influence of big YouTubers and Twitch streamers on the voting process. These influencers often promote their favorite mobs, leading to a significant influx of votes for those options.

Vote Opens Today

The mob vote for the next Minecraft creatures opens today at 6pm and will be available for 48 hours. Players have until 6pm on October 15 to cast their votes and have their say in the future of the game.

If you're interested in how Minecraft is being used in schools, be sure to check out our rundown of Minecraft Education.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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