Neon City Guide – Discover the Cyberpunk Wonderland of Starfield’s Neon


Starfield is a vast galaxy waiting to be explored, with over 1,000 planets and countless points of interest. Among the many fascinating locations, one city stands out with its neon-lit cyberpunk atmosphere, diverse vendors, and intriguing side quests – Neon City.

Where is Neon in Starfield?

Neon City is located in the Volii system, just to the right of the Alpha Centauri and Olympus systems on the Starmap. To reach Neon, simply open the Starmap from the menu and navigate to Volii, which is not far from your home base in Alpha Centauri.

How to Get to Neon City

Once you've located Volii on the Starmap, select the second planet from the Volii star – Volii Alpha. This is where Neon City awaits. On the planet map, choose Neon Core and press and hold X to land. After a brief loading screen, you'll find yourself just outside Neon City.

Neon City Guide – What to Expect

Neon City offers a wide array of activities beyond the main story quests that lead you there. The city is divided into four main areas:

  1. Neon Core: This is the city's bustling main street, lined with shops and vibrant Cyberpunk energy.
  2. Ebbside: Explore the city's backstreets, accessible from multiple points in the Core.
  3. Underbelly: Discover a restricted area where Xenofresh Fisheries employees work.
  4. Spaceport: This is where you'll land if you haven't explored other fast travel points or require ship services.

Neon Core's main attractions include a variety of shops, with the towering Ryujin Tower and the trendy Astral Lounge in the Trade Tower. The Astral Lounge is the only legal supplier of the Aurora drug in Neon City, allowing you to experience time dilation like in the Matrix movies. Ryujin Tower is also significant, as it's where you can embark on the Ryujin Industries questline – just remember to apply for a job at a Ryujin kiosk before starting the adventure.

Don't forget to visit the Enhance clinic in Neon Core for a change of appearance, and check out the Trade Authority shop, where you can sell stolen goods and contraband. Each shop in Neon Core has its own unique side quest, so make sure to speak with the vendors and dive deeper into the city's lore.

In the Ebbside district, be sure to visit Madame Sauvage's Place, where you can join the Ebbside Strikers faction and engage in their questline.

Ultimately, the best way to experience Neon City is to explore at your own pace, interact with the lively inhabitants, and unravel its secrets one by one.