Nintendo to Shut Down Online Services: What You Need to Know


Countdown to Closure

Nintendo is gearing up to shut down its online services for the 3DS and Wii U, leaving players with just hours before access is cut off. Thousands of gamers are left wondering what this means for their favorite titles.

Important Dates and Times

The shutdown of the Nintendo Network for 3DS and Wii U is set to take place on Monday, April 8, 2024, at different times across the globe. For UK gamers, the closure will happen at 12:00am BST.

Services Going Offline

After the shutdown, online play for most games on 3DS and Wii U will cease to function. This includes services like Spotpass, Badge Arcade, and the ability to download DLC for certain titles.

What Happens to Purchased Games?

If you've purchased games before the deadline, you will still be able to download them post-shutdown. However, DLC packs, such as those for Monster Hunter, will no longer be accessible for download.

Future of Pokémon Bank

Good news for Pok̩mon fans РThe Pok̩mon Bank and Pok̩mon Transporter on 3DS will remain operational even after the online services shutdown. Players can continue to transfer Pok̩mon between platforms at no additional cost.

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