PlayStation fans discover clue on PS5 Pro after Sony blunder


Rumors confirmed

Recent rumors surrounding the PS5 Pro have been solidified by a significant development that has left PlayStation fans buzzing with excitement.

Leaked information

A YouTuber previously leaked documents hinting at the development of the PS5 Pro, and the latest news seems to validate these claims.

Confirmation from Digital Foundry

Digital Foundry has reportedly received confirmation of the PS5 Pro's existence through Sony's devnet portal, indicating that the console may already be in the hands of developers.

Sony's response

Sony's copyright strike on the leaked video containing alleged confidential documents further fuels speculation about the imminent arrival of the PS5 Pro.

Speculated release

While Sony has not officially announced the PS5 Pro, rumors suggest that an announcement could be on the horizon following recent events.

Possible holiday release

The leaked video hinted at a potential holiday season release for the PS5 Pro, but Sony's swift action may have accelerated the timeline for the console's announcement.

Looking ahead

PlayStation enthusiasts eagerly await further updates on the PS5 Pro, as Sony gears up for what could be a game-changing reveal in the near future.